If you are interested in donating to the cause, please visit our website: www.onehopeoneheart.org
If you have questions please email Jeanna Linenkugel at linenkugel_j@ohlsd.org.
Please join us in an effort to raise funds for One Hope, One Heart. This year marks our 12th Anniversary for raising funds to help students, staff and Oak Hills families in need due to a sudden or tragic incident. Traditionally, the faculty members from each of the nine Oak Hills Local School District buildings and District Office do battle in a volleyball tournament to raise money for this cause.
Over the past 13 years the event has raised enough money to help dozens of families with a monetary donation during particularly dire situations. In the past, this event has aided students and their families who lost their home to a fire, whose parents passed away due to serious illness, or have been diagnosed with a debilitating disease.
Oak Hills Local School District serves approximately 8,000 students who attend 5 elementary schools, 3 middle schools and Oak Hills High School. To learn more about Oak Hills visit our website at http://ohlsd.us/about/ .